PyMigBench dataset

The PyMigBench dataset is in the data directory. There are two types of data: analogous library pairs and valid migrations located in libpair and migration subdirectories respectively. Each YAML file in the libpair and migration folders contain information about one data item. Additionally, the codefile subdirectory has the diff files of the code changes, and the code files before and after migration.

Library pair


  • id: unique ID of the library pair
  • source: the source library
  • target: the target library
  • domain: the domain of the library pair

Sample data file

Analogous library pair from flask to quart: flask,quart.yaml

id: flask,quart
source: flask
target: quart
domain: Development framework/extension



  • id: unique ID of the migration
  • source: the source library
  • target: the target library
  • repo: the repository where the migration happened
  • commit: the hash of the commit where the migration happened
  • pair_id: the ID of the library pair in the migration
  • commit_message (type: multiline text): the commit message
  • commit_url: URL of the migration commit on GitHub
  • code_changes (type: list): the list of code changes found in this migration.
    • filepath: the file where the code was changed
    • lines: a list of range of line numbers where the code was changed for migration.

Sample data file

Migration from flask to quart at commit 0a70f2b: 0a70f2b_flask,quart.yaml

id: 0a70f2b_flask,quart
source: flask
target: quart
repo: pgjones/faster_than_flask_article
commit: 0a70f2bddae90da13da5bce2b77ea56355ecc5d1
pair_id: flask,quart
commit_message: Quart version
- filepath: app/
  - '1:1'
- filepath: app/
  - '4:5'
  - '35:12'
- filepath: app/
  - '1:1'
  - '8:8'

Sample diff file

The below diff file shows the changes in the app/ in the migration mentioned above: pgjones@faster_than_flask_article__0a70f2b__app$ The diff file file name formate is: {repouser}@{reponame}__{8_characters_commit_hash}__{filepath-in-repo}.diff. The slash (/) or backslash (\) in the file path is replaced with a dollar ($) sign.

diff --git a/app/ b/app/
        index 253538aa8cd65a3ed48563c2ea4594d998286293..0a70f2bddae90da13da5bce2b77ea56355ecc5d1 100644
        --- a/app/
        +++ b/app/
@@ -1,44 +1,21 @@
 import os
 from contextlib import contextmanager
-from flask import Flask
-from psycopg2.extras import RealDictCursor
-from psycopg2.pool import ThreadedConnectionPool
+import asyncpg
+from quart import Quart
 from films import blueprint as films_blueprint
 from reviews import blueprint as reviews_blueprint
-class PoolWrapper:
-    """Exists to provide an acquire method for easy usage.
-        pool = PoolWrapper(...)
-        with pool.acquire() as conneciton:
-            connection.execute(...)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, max_pool_size: int, *, dsn):
-        self._pool = ThreadedConnectionPool(
-            1, max_pool_size, dsn=dsn, cursor_factory=RealDictCursor,
-        )
-    @contextmanager
-    def acquire(self):
-        try:
-            connection = self._pool.getconn()
-            yield connection
-        finally:
-            self._pool.putconn(connection)
 def create_app():
-    app = Flask(__name__)
+    app = Quart(__name__)
     app.config['JSONIFY_PRETTYPRINT_REGULAR'] = False
-    def create_db():
-        dsn = 'host= port=5432 dbname=dvdrental user=dvdrental password=dvdrental'
-        app.pool = PoolWrapper(20, dsn=dsn)  #os.environ['DB_DSN'])
+    async def create_db():
+        dsn = 'postgres://dvdrental:dvdrental@'
+        app.pool = await asyncpg.create_pool(dsn, max_size=20)  #os.environ['DB_DSN'])